千顺智能(珠海)有限公司 Qianshun Intelligent (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd 展位号:2312 展出产品:磁瓦外观不良检测设备、 磁环外观不良检测设备、连接器外观不良检测设备等 网址:www.qianshunzhineng.com 邮箱:yuyang@qianshunzhineng.com
千顺智能(珠海)有限公司是一家以人工智能技术为核心、以设备为载体的智能数字图像处理企业。公司专注于工业产品外观缺陷检测的技术研发及应用。公司致力于为帮助合作伙伴保证产品质量、提升产能、增强品牌效应以创造更高价值。 千顺智能研发团队毕业于浙江大学、中科院自动化研究所等知名学府,并已在连接器外检设备研发持续投入三年以上,是在软件及设备硬件方面是行业内少有的具有自主研发能力的公司,在为客户提供解决方案方面有着得天独厚的优势。在细分行业为客户解决痛点,赢得了大量客户的信任。 在人工智能已成为新一轮产业变革的核心驱动力的背景下,公司秉承求是务实的发展态度,开放合作的经营理念,期望与合作伙伴共同推动产业变革,提高企业综合竞争力。
Qianshun Intelligent (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. is an intelligent digital image processing enterprise with artificial intelligence technology as the core and equipment as the carrier. The company focuses on the technical development and application of industrial product appearance defect detection. Relying on years of technical advantages in the field of computer vision and precise grasp of customer needs, Qianshun Intelligent uses artificial intelligence technology to help partners ensure product quality, increase production capacity, and enhance brand effects to create higher value. The company's external inspection equipment in the connector industry and the magnetic component industry has been widely recognized by customers. Under the background that artificial intelligence has become the core driving force of the new round of industrial transformation, the company upholds a realistic and pragmatic development attitude and an open and cooperative business philosophy, and expects to work with partners to promote industrial transformation and improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the company.
1、磁瓦外观不良检测设备 Porcelain tile appearance defect detection equipment
基于人工智能缺陷学习系统,智能学习并识别缺陷。可识别磁瓦外观缺陷类别为: 1.崩缺 2.裂纹 3.起级 4.欠磨 5.碳化 6.暗裂纹
Based on the artificial intelligence defect learning system, intelligently learn and identify defects. The categories of identifiable magnetic tile appearance defects are: 1. collapsed 2. crack 3. starting level 4. under-wearing 5. carbonization 6.Dark cracks
2、磁环外观不良检测设备 Magnetic ring appearance inspection equipment
基于人工智能缺陷学习系统,智能学习并识别缺陷。可识别磁环外观缺陷类别为: 1.脏污 2.裂纹 3.针孔 4.剥落 5.涂层薄 6.倒角不良 7.异形 8.缺形
Based on the artificial intelligence defect learning system, intelligently learn and identify defects. The categories of identifiable magnetic ring appearance defects are: 1. Dirty 2. Cracks 3. Pinhole 4. Stripping 5. Thin coating 6. Poor chamfering 7. Abnormal shape 8. Missing
3、连接器外观不良检测设备 Connector appearance defect detection equipment
基于人工智能缺陷学习系统,智能学习并识别缺陷。可识别连接器外观缺陷类别为: 1.PIN针尺寸不良 2.PIN、卡扣、弹片歪斜、缺失 3.胶芯破损、裂纹 4.外壳划伤、擦伤 5.外壳凹陷、凸起、变形 6.外壳电镀不良 7.外壳脏污
Based on the artificial intelligence defect learning system, intelligently learn and identify defects. The categories of identifiable connector appearance defects are: 1. Poor PIN size 2. PIN, buckle, shrapnel are skewed or missing 3. Damaged and cracked rubber core 4. Scratches and abrasions on the shell 5. The shell is recessed, raised, deformed 6. Poor shell plating 7. Dirty shell |