常州市御马精密冲压件有限公司 YUMA Precision Stamping (Chang Zhou)Co., Ltd
展位号:2395 展出产品:步进电机系列定转子铁芯、 伺服电机定转子铁芯、新能源汽车定转子铁芯等 联系方式:0519-85513635 网址:www.yumaprecision.com 邮箱:Chunwang.Ma@YUMAlamination.com
常州市御马精密冲压件有限公司成立于2007年,总公司设立在常州,专注于中小型电机定转子铁芯生产制造,主要有步进电机定转子铁芯系列,无刷电机定转子铁芯系列,伺服电机定子转子铁芯系列,汽车定转子铁芯(新能源驱动电机铁芯为主)。 公司围绕“专注、可靠、创新”的品牌核心;“成为客户第一选择”的愿景而不断奋斗,努力成为定转子铁芯产品的顶级制造商。公司不断的创新投入,及时跟踪国内外先进水平,采用先进生产技术和科学的管理方法,坚持只为用户提供高品质的产品。与此同时,公司拥有专业的模具研发团队,着力于优化模具结构,以满足市场需求,甚至领先于不断变化的市场。所有产品均获得客户认可,多领域产品占据行业领先地位。 经过十几年的发展,公司已成为步进电机行业/伺服电机行业定转子标杆企业。客户包含了许多知名的企业,如:鸣志电器、东菱技术、富田电机、埃斯顿、信捷电气等。 产品经过不断创新,在行业中树立了良好的声誉。公司已获得了“江苏省高新技术企业”、“江苏省民营科技企业”、“拼块式产品常州工程研究中心”等多项荣誉。 公司已经通过了IATF16949质量管理体系认证,并拥有十多项公司专利。 未来几年,公司将依托常州、广州两大生产基地,以市场为导向,不断开发各类适用于新能源汽车的定转子系列产品。公司将逐步完成转型,向汽车行业发展。
1、步进电机系列定转子铁芯 Stepper motor stator core
Stepping motor series stator and rotor iron core, the product adopts large rotation lamination, the product has good consistency, the annual output is nearly 30 million sets, and has rich production experience in rotary stamping. The rotary stamping angles are 30°, 45°, 60°, 72°, 90°, 120°, 180° and so on. The products range from 20 mm to 86 mm, covering the whole series of stepping motor iron core. Products are widely used in sewing machine industry, lighting industry, 3D/printer industry, automation and many other industrial products.
2、伺服电机定转子铁芯 Servo motor stator core
Adopting the split structure, the slot fullness ratio is significantly improved compared with the integral stator core, so that the motor volume is reduced, and the motor performance is significantly optimized. At present, Yuma split product research and development has more than 200 products, with the product size covering 29 mm-410 mm. Yuma has a split type rapid OTS sample submission scheme. Through the pre-designed engineering mold, relying on the engineering mold for rapid sample production, the product accuracy can be consistent with the mass production mold, better help customers improve the speed of product development and ensure the consistency of product development stage and mass production stage.
3、新能源汽车定转子铁芯 Automobile motor stator core
In 2016, YUMA passed the IATF 16949 certificate. During the three years, YUMA cooperated with the development of dozens of automobile stator and rotor core, covering the car window motor core, water pump motor core, oil pump motor core, compressor motor core, drive motor core, EPS automobile motor core and other products. |